Integrating with BarnBridge

A typical integration timeline may take from 4 to 12 weeks depending on the complexity of the integration. Below is a rough step-by-step guide on how to integrate with BarnBridge:

  1. Enquire with BarnBridge Integration Team: Fill in our Community Intake Form and tell us more about your interest in integrating with BarnBridge. Upon a successful enquiry, an integration team member will likely co-ordinate a communication channel via a Telegram group and/or conference calls.

  2. Get ready: If appropriate, please feel free to set up your private testnet to get a better understanding of our smart contracts, including reviewing our key originator contracts as examples.

  3. Code Review: If appropriate, please feel free to send us your proposed integration code on Github for our review.

  4. Security and audit: BarnBridge takes security and our responsibility to the community seriously. To ensure successful integration, please ensure that the appropriate security and audit processes (such as DeFi Safety) have been allowed in your integration timeline.

  5. Deployment and Go-to-Market: Please coordinate with the Integration Team to coordinate deployment and including announcements and any joint go-to-market activities.

Last updated

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